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Mindful Eating Tips: How Practicing Portion Control And Using Smaller Plates Can Help

Mindful eating can take you a long way in terms of achieving a fit and healthy body which is disease-free. It involves a few basic steps like paying attention to your food while eating, eating food without any distractions, eating only to the point it satisfies your hunger, and much more. According to nutritionist Ishi Khosla, mindful eating is referred to paying attention to food. It is an approach to food which focuses on sensual awareness of food and one's experience with food.
Giving tips to practice mindful eating, Khosla says that increasing awareness and learning the difference between physiological and psychological hunger.

Tips to practice mindful eating from nutritionist
1. Pay attention to what you choose to eat. Making healthy food choices is imperative to practice the art of mindful eating. "You may still be overloading on calories even if you have left out most of that buffet!" writes Khosla in her Insta post.

Also read: Healthy Eating Tips By Experts: Know How To Make Your Meals Perfectly Balanced

2. Foods that have been found to be good for your well-being, such as turmeric, ginger, tulsi, aloe vera, garlic, probiotics and prebiotics. These foods are often termed as superfoods. They can help in boosting your immunity naturally and improve overall well-being.

3. Savour the food on your plate for at least 15 to 20 minutes. Enjoy every bite you take and chew your food slowly and properly. Not only with it help in better digestion of food but will also keep you satiated for a longer period of time.


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