The benefits of good mindfulness practice can be noticed in just 90
days. Javier Carril, in the prologue of Ulyses Villanueva’s book Mindfulness Meditación para gente de alto rendimiento” (“Mindfulness Meditation for High Performance People”),
highlights what he regards as the five essential skills that can be
developed through mindfulness if practiced regularly for at least three
Focus on what is important
Mindfulness develops the necessary mental clarity that helps us
eliminate the superfluous, and focus on what is really important.
Emotional intelligence
Through mindful practice, our brain is trained to calm down the mental noise that stuns, confuses and blocks us at every moment.
Strategic vision
Mental clarity makes possible to focus on the long term, which usually coincides with truly important actions and decisions.
Flexibility in change
Mindfulness enhances the so-called cognitive flexibility, which
implies being flexible when facing constantly changing reality, managing
uncertainty, and not clinging to old “ways of doing”.
Creativity and innovation
It is impossible to be innovative with a mind full of noise. The
moment we practice Mindfulness, the mind calms down (…) and only this
way we can let in new things and be innovative.
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