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How to fit mindfulness meditation into a busy work day

Ever feel like you’re just going through the motions at a million miles an hour, all day, every day? Wake up, go to work, go home, rinse and repeat.
Using mindfulness meditation can help you slow down in a variety of ways — you’ll physically sit still while easing your racing mind. Here are four ways to fit this practice into a packed work day.

Find a quiet space to sit in the office

Although it might be difficult, you’ll want to find a place where you can’t be interrupted by others for a few minutes. So do what you can to get away from your nagging boss and/or obnoxious coworkers who get under your skin.
Otherwise, you’ll probably be bombarded by a wave of the usual requests as you try to get clarity at the moment. So give yourself the space you need instead.

Use your headphones and set phone reminders

Headphones can really come in handy, especially when using a program with instructions during a guided meditation. This way, you won’t have to turn on the program in a quiet space, where others can hear what you’re up to.
In terms of setting reminders, make sure you pick a time that you know you’ll have access to your phone so you’ll see the meditation notification(s) you set.
But whether you’re using the Calm app, Headspace or something similar, you’ll be happy with the way it breaks up your daily, hectic routine.

Be mindful on your daily commute

There are a bunch of different ways to do this, like taking everything that you see in without casting it in a negative or positive light, listening to some tunes, being nice to the people around you and using social media in a specific way.
Your commute may be long, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be both productive and healthy for you. You deserve to give back to yourself, whether it’s before or after the workday has come and gone.

Meditate quietly when you get home

If you can’t fit in any meditation during a crazy work day, wait until you get home and can get some time to yourself. When you get there, go into a quiet space alone and zero in on your breathing.
Just don’t expect to be a mindfulness whiz right off the bat. This practice takes repetition. Also keep in mind that the more you practice, the more centered you’re bound to feel over time.

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