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How to Stand on One Leg: Yoga Tips to Help You Balance Yourself

How to Stand on One Leg: Yoga Tips to Help You Balance Yourself
You are a fitness freak. You hit the gym every day and you would be one of the first people to confidently step up to a push-up challenge. You also get into most yoga poses with ease except for those where you have to balance on one leg. Chill, you are not alone. A lot of people feel fish out of water when balancing poses are offered. Here’s where you might be going wrong while trying a leg-balancing yoga pose.

Use Your Muscles

While you might be a pro in push-ups you may not exactly know how to use specific muscles to encourage balance. For instance, take a moment to notice how you exactly stand. There could be a huge possibility that you are standing while popping your hips out and leaning the majority of your weight on one side of the body. If you lift the leg without muscle awareness, odds are that your weight will pile up in the leg lifted. When you do single leg balances, focus on firming your outer standing hip. This will stabilise your standing leg and give you that balance.

Don't Rush

Balance does not translate stillness. It means becoming aware of the movement within the body and the mind. So when you focus on your foot, notice all four corners of your foot pressing evenly into the ground to stand stable. Also, draw your belly up and engage your core. All these little actions can help you create balance. Some days can be difficult than others. Maybe you are dehydrated or running on minimum sleep. Just don’t be hard on yourself. Stay committed and be gentle with your practice. Here's how yoga asanas get their names. 

Don't Lock Your Legs

It may seem like a good idea to get your base leg as straight as possible but when you lock it straight, you do not engage your muscles. You are just putting your bone on bone. Make sure to keep the quadriceps of your standing leg engaged as you continue to firm the outer standing hip in. Try these easy and effective yoga poses for beginners. 

Don't Forget to Breath

Most people tend to go wrong here. Wavering balance makes them hold their breath. Keep your breath even and easy in and out of your nose. This will help you stay calm and relaxed. Also, if you are constantly wavering your balance, the best idea is to look forward and down. Remember that the higher you look, the more challenge you will experience.
So start slow, breathe and keep muscle awareness. You will be able to balance like no other.


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