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How to Make a Difficult Decision

Por Moris Beracha-. Making important decisions can seem a difficult task, because the idea of making mistakes can make us nervous. Martin Reynoso, psychologist and director of Train Your Brain Argentina, explains that most decisions are made automatically and quickly, for example, deciding to take an umbrella on a sunny day, depending on how much we trust the weather forecast.

These kinds of decisions, although they seem insignificant, can be problematic and even more so when big decisions have to be made, such as moving, changing jobs or ending a relationship. The also author of Mindfulness, la meditación científica (Mindfulness, Scientific Meditation) lists three common mistakes in making decisions that, with the help of mindfulness, we can correct:

1. Refuse to lose something you invested in. Imagine you paid for a vacation hotel reservation, but then you are invited to a paradisiacal place. It might cost you a little more, but isn't it worth the change?  Or, for example, you want to finish eating a dish you didn't like, just because you're going to pay for it. There are studies that show that mindfulness can help you move from decisions made.

2. You get carried away by your emotions. Anger, fear and anguish can cloud our judgment without us noticing. Mindfulness can also help you become more aware of the emotions that impact your decisions. For example, writing about your emotions and how they impact you can keep them at bay and lead to clearer reasoning.

3. You make decisions at inappropriate times. It seems that the best time to decide is in the morning. That's why the morning practice of mindfulness is usually an excellent way to enhance this ability. Meditating at the beginning of the day cleanses our mind and heart, and helps us to be cautious in those great decisions to make.

The intuition that is born from the depths of our heart —guided by a meditative practice of kindness and compassion— has an insurmountable power and quality of decision. Cultivating qualities through mindfulness, such as curiosity, receptivity, kindness and care for yourself and others, sprout personal wisdom. With mindfulness decisions can be more effective, more connected with our values and bring us more happiness.


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