By Moris Beracha-. Mindfulness has become in recent years one of the most important tools for those seeking to have a holistic well-being in life. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. in Biomedicine and director of the University of Massachusetts Stress Reduction Clinic, created a model that brings meditation and science closer together.
Mindfulness has important effects on stress reduction and can help combat depression. The model consists of seven essential qualities that are indispensable for improving mindfulness:
1. Non-judgment: This is the ability to be aware of cognitive experiences without adhering to them with greed or aversion. It is part of a process of ceasing to conceive of oneself as an isolated thing in a body separated.
2. Patience: Patience is a form of wisdom that combines the ability to wait.It is essential that we cultivate patience in order to advance in any task in life.
3. Beginner's mind: Refers to openness and receptivity to experience. It is about having an attitude of wondering at life.
4. Trust: It is essential to develop trust in one's own intuition and ability to cultivate a practice. In Buddhism, this is equivalent to faith in the teaching process and in the teacher.
5. Do not force: The person does not have to produce something new to find happiness. It is all about relaxing so that what we already are can manifest.
6. Acceptance: It is essential to be able to accept undesirable situations or sensations without putting up resistance. Acceptance is obviously part of an attitude that must be maintained in life in general.
7. Letting go: The enemy of a meditator is attachment, not being able to let go of certain thoughts. We must stop conceiving of ourselves as an isolated thing, with a fixed and immutable identity.
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