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Music and mindfulness, the perfect combination

Music is an element that can be included into our meditation exercises, because it often has an influence on how we respond to life’s challenges.

Pay attention on how we respond mentally, physically and emotionally to different music genres, sounds and rhythms present in our everyday lives is a crucial factor when we practice mindfulness. For some, the sound of birds chirping might offer relaxation, while for others it stimulates irritation.

Music alone does wonders for our health and wellness. But if music is combined with mindfulness, we can create more space for healing benefits.

It is very easy to incorporate music into your meditation sessions and vice versa. When attending a concert, notice how easy or difficult it is to stay in the present moment. Give yourself 5 minutes to toss on headphones and choose 1 song to listen to that you know will relax you. Find a comfortable sitting or lying posture, close your eyes and listen only to the song alone. Observe where your mind goes. Gently welcome your attention back to the song you chose.

Exploring new music is always productive. There may be rhythms, beats and lyrics out there waiting to connect with you. Tune in with yourself, and the sounds around you to find the calm you are looking for. If we are not aware of how different sounds affect us, it makes it difficult to use sound and music as a healing and calming modality.

Read the original post here.


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