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Mindfulness is increasingly popular among the most successful leaders

 Meditation and mindfulness practice is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. According to federal estimates, more than 18 million Americans practice meditation on a daily basis. Nowadays, it is considered an activity connected with professional success.

Likewise, the American Psychological Association has listed a number of proven benefits, including reduced stress, enhanced focus, better control over emotions and even higher relationship satisfaction.
Several entrepreneurs and successful leaders practice mindfulness meditation to aid productivity.

Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, encouraged his 735 employees to practice meditation on a regular basis. “I did it because it’s the greatest gift I could give anyone: it brings about equanimity, creativity and peace,” Dalio said in an interview with Business Insider.

LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner considers that part of his philosophy for success involves his appreciation for health, love and time. In the realm of “health”, Weiner has acknowledged using an app called Headspace to meditate daily. He often recommends the app to his employees and partners.

Bill Ford, the executive chairman of Ford Motor Company, takes time to meditate every day. “The practice of mindfulness kept me going during the darkest days,” Ford told the Harvard Business Review concerning his close call with bankruptcy 10 years ago. He said that meditation helped him improve his productivity, but also to make decisions with compassion and kindness.

Marc Benioff, founder of SalesForce, recommends meditation to all aspiring entrepreneurs and meditates every morning himself before work. He has said that he also takes time to express gratitude, as another way to clear his mind at the beginning of the day.

Currently chair and CEO of Rush Communications, Russell Simmons is perhaps best known as the co-founder of Def Jam Recordings. A few years ago, he wrote a piece for Entrepreneur detailing his perspective on meditation and encouraging new and experienced entrepreneurs alike to build the habit.

Read the original post here.


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