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Three mindfulness exercises to help you find peace

Throughout the day, human beings can feel different emotions. In just a few hours you can go from full happiness to the deepest sadness leading to health problem if you do not know how to manage them.

Many of us get stressed at work, and ironically the work overload prevents many from being able to tackle the problem because of lack of time.

The expert in stress management, Elizabeth Scott, proposes simple mindfulness exercises to be done at home or work and are, at the same time, an extraordinarily powerful method to help improve our capacity for relaxation, concentration and our productivity.

  • Exercise 1: One minute of mindfulness
This is a very easy exercise that can be practiced at any time of the day. The goal is to focus all your attention on your breathing for one minute. Leave your eyes open, breathe with your belly instead of your chest and try to breathe through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on the sound and rhythm of breathing. Prepare your mind to wander (because it will) and you will have to strive to shift your attention to the objective each time this happens. You can perform this exercise as many times as you want as it helps you restore your mind, achieve clarity and peace.

  • Exercise 2: Conscious observation
To perform this exercise correctly, it is necessary to choose an object. It can be any everyday item: a cup of coffee, a pen, a notebook or any other. Now let it completely absorb all your attention. Just watch it. Being aware of what you are observing gives you a feeling of “being awake.” Observe how the mind frees itself of thoughts and focuses on the present moment. It is something subtle but powerful.

  • Exercise 3: Count up to 10
This exercise is just a simple variation of exercise 1. In this case instead of focusing on breathing, close your eyes and focus on slowly counting to 10. If you lose concentration in any case, you must start with the number one.

With these 3 simple mindfulness exercises, stress will not take over your body and much less your mind.

Read the original post here.


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