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How to use ‘Mindfulness’ as a work tool

With mindfulness practice, you can calm your mind, settle into your emotions and be more positive when dealing with any challenge. And work is one of those facets in which this important practice can be undertaken.

The goal that must be taken into account is that the goal of mindfulness in the workplace is to manage stress. “Mindfulness is a must-have: a way to keep our brains healthy, to support self-regulation and effective decision-making capabilities, and to protect ourselves from toxic stress,” said Massachusetts General Hospital researcher Christina Congleton, in her article “Mindfulness changes the Brain,” published in the Harvard Business Review.

Meditation and Work

Spend one minute a day to focus all your attention on your breathing. Focus on the sound and rhythm of breathing. Get ready to make your mind wander and you will have to strive to return focus on the goal each time this happens. This exercise helps restore the mind, achieve clarity and peace.

Also, you can choose an object and practice conscious observation. Just observe it and have all your attention focused on that item. Being aware of what you are observing gives you a feeling of ‘being awake’. Observe how the mind frees itself of thoughts and focuses on the present moment.

When starting this type of practices, it can become difficult to focus on a current of thought through the mind, and even when it takes a rapid pace of life. Instead of working against the voice of your head, you can sit and ‘observe’ your thoughts instead of getting involved in them. In this way you will not be able to eliminate them as in the rest of the exercises, but it is a good technique to reduce their intensity.

Read the original post here.


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