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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2018

The benefits of practicing mindfulness during your workouts

By Evelyn Lewin it's the bird calls I notice first. Some have long, somnolent cries, others sound perkier, more vibrant. Then I watch them fly. Two small black ones seem to dance around each other. When our body is doing one thing and our head is doing another, the disconnect can be problematic. No, I'm not having some kind of bird-related epiphany. Rather, I have my five senses switched on as I go on a mindful walk. I've done this walk countless times before, but I've never really paid attention to the birds. That's because, like most people pounding the pavement, I multitask. I use that time to return phone calls or listen to podcasts. So, while my body goes through the motions, my mind is often elsewhere. I'm not the only one who multitasks when exercising, says Brisbane-based psychologist Patrea O'Donoghue from Positive Psychology Strategies. She says people often view working out as the perfect opportunity to tick off tasks on their to-do list, menta...

La me­di­ta­ción, efi­caz fren­te al es­trés pos­trau­má­ti­co, se­gún es­tu­dio

 Fotografía sin licencia que muestra la meditación como práctica para el tratamiento contra el estrés postraumático, según revela un estudio. Fran­cia   L a me­di­ta­ción pue­de ser tan efi­caz para tra­tar las víc­ti­mas de es­trés pos­trau­má­ti­co (ESPT) como las te­ra­pias que ya se em­plean ac­tual­men­te, se­gún un es­tu­dio rea­li­za­do en­tre ex­sol­da­dos es­ta­dou­ni­den­ses pu­bli­ca­do el vier­nes en la re­vis­ta cien­tí­fi­ca  Lan­cet Psy­chia­try. El ESPT se pue­de dar des­pués de que una per­so­na viva una ex­pe­rien­cia trau­má­ti­ca, re­la­cio­na­da por ejem­plo con la muer­te, la vio­len­cia o una agre­sión se­xual. Se ca­rac­te­ri­za so­bre todo por re­cuer­dos re­pe­ti­ti­vos, pe­sa­di­llas, in­ten­tos de evi­tar todo aque­llo que re­cuer­da el acon­te­ci­mien­to, es­ta­dos de irri­ta­bi­li­dad y de­pre­sión. Se da prin­ci­pal­men­te en­tre las víc­ti­mas de aten­ta­dos y sol­da­dos (se cal­cu­la ...

Mindfulness in times of distraction

by Mai Yoshikawa  If, like a stereotypical office worker in Japan, you are working brutal hours and sacrificing your wellbeing just to stay afloat, Junya Ogino wants you to pay attention. Why? Because the mindfulness maven believes you’re in a position to try a simple brain hack that will put you on top of your game and help you to face reality head-on “Mindfulness,” the self-confessed workaholic says, “could save lives.” As a certified instructor of the Google-born Search Inside Yourself contemplative training program, Ogino warns his countrymen not to wear work addiction as a badge of honor. He believes it could put their most critical asset, their mental health, at risk. Ogino teaches mindful leadership courses at companies across Japan, which is notorious for its workplace culture of long hours and rigid hierarchies, and leads workshops for executives seeking to create a mindful culture within their tea...

Meditación: el regalo para conseguir una vida extraordinaria, enérgica y saludable

Entrenar la mente con técnicas de Meditación y Mindfulness se está convirtiendo en algo tan cotidiano como hacer ejercicio, porque sólo hace falta probar, de manera adecuada, para comprobar sus múltiples beneficios. Científicamente se ha demostrado que meditar no sólo relaja nuestro cuerpo y disminuye el estrés y la ansiedad, sino que genera nuevas conexiones cerebrales en sólo 8 semanas, que ayudan incluso a sanar nuestras dolencias físicas y emocionales y a relacionarnos mucho mejor con los demás, además de ser un poderoso antiaging.   (EUROPA PRESS) Entrenar la mente con técnicas de Meditación y Mindfulness se está convirtiendo en algo tan cotidiano como hacer ejercicio, porque sólo hace falta probar, de manera adecuada, para comprobar sus múltiples beneficios. Científicamente se ha demostrado que meditar no sólo relaja nuestro cuerpo y disminuye el estrés y la ansiedad, sino que genera nuevas conexiones cerebrales en sólo 8 semanas, que ayudan incluso...

How mindfulness can help busy parents cope with information overload

By Michael Dulaney for Mindfully Being a modern parent has plenty of demands and time constraints that can cause stress and tension build up. It may be sleep deprivation from children waking up in the middle of the night, or fatigue from spending hours driving between weekend sport. Meanwhile, there are lunchboxes to be packed, homework to be done, dishes to be washed. In the face of all this, some parents are turning to mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress, get a better night's sleep and be a better listener for their children. They say mindfulness has helped them encourage a happier and calmer home. Mindfulness at home "I don't want to make it sound like I'm the Dalai Lama," jokes radio host and comedian Jo Stanley as she talks about her mindfulness routine. Between busy media engagements and taking care of her kids, she is never going to have the dedication of a Buddhist monk. But in an everyday context she uses mindfulness to bring a sense of ca...

Hábitos positivos que fomentan la resiliencia

Descubre las formas que tienes de desarrollar la resiliencia en tu día a día, para poder afrontar con optimismo y determinación los momentos difíciles de la vida. by Cristina Soria L a vida siempre nos pone a prueba cuando menos lo esperamos y nos plantea situaciones difíciles o dolorosas de las que no podemos escapar. Cuando llegan esos momentos, podemos sentir que hemos fracasado o que la vida nos castiga de alguna manera. Pero también podemos afrontar la situación y salir fortalecidos de ella. En ese caso estaremos teniendo una actitud resiliente, que sin duda es la que nos vendrá mejor en cualquier momento difícil de nuestra existencia, y que podemos potenciar y desarrollar en nuestro día a día. Realizar actividades creativas Desde el á...

Cómo utilizar ‘Mindfulness’ como herramienta de trabajo

Por Moris Beracha.- Con la práctica de la atención plena, puedes calmar tu mente, acomodarte en tus emociones y ser más positivo al enfrentar cualquier desafío. Y el trabajo es una de esas facetas en las que se puede emprender esta importante práctica. El objetivo que se debe tener en cuenta es que el objetivo de la atención plena en el lugar de trabajo es manejar el estrés. “La atención plena es imprescindible: una manera de mantener a nuestros cerebros sanos, para apoyar la autorregulación y las capacidades efectivas de toma de decisiones, y para protegernos del estrés tóxico”, dijo la investigadora Christina Congleton, del Hospital General de Massachusetts, en su artículo “Atención plena”. cambia el cerebro ”, publicado en Harvard Business Review. Meditación y trabajo Dedica un minuto al día a centrar toda tu atención en tu respiración. Centrarse en el sonido y el ritmo de la respiración. Prepárese para hacer que su mente divague y te...

La meditación, medicina milenaria para el cuerpo y el alma.

Por Ariadna Tapia/ La meditación es un método para desarrollar y entrenar la mente. La meditación es una práctica milenaria con la que relacionamos a los hombres religiosos, monjes o personas muy elevadas espiritualmente y ciertamente ellos han sido los pioneros en la difusión de esta práctica. La meditación es un método para desarrollar y entrenar la mente. Existen varios mitos en relación a lo que es la meditación; primero que nada se tiene la creencia de que consiste en poner la mente en blanco. Esto sencillamente no es posible. Diariamente producimos miles de pensamientos por lo tanto no se trata de dejar de pensar sino de focalizar nuestra mente, ubicarnos en el tiempo presente, estar atentos, poner la atención en el ritmo de nuestra respiración, concentrarnos en lo que estamos sintiendo y dejarlo fluir tal y como se presenta. Es muy importante que si un pensamiento se presenta no lo reprimamos; simplemente lo dejemos pasar, ya que si se ...

How to use ‘Mindfulness’ as a work tool

By Moris Beracha .-  With mindfulness practice, you can calm your mind, settle into your emotions and be more positive when dealing with any challenge. And work is one of those facets in which this important practice can be undertaken. The goal that must be taken into account is that the goal of mindfulness in the workplace is to manage stress. “Mindfulness is a must-have: a way to keep our brains healthy, to support self-regulation and effective decision-making capabilities, and to protect ourselves from toxic stress,” said Massachusetts General Hospital researcher Christina Congleton, in her article “Mindfulness changes the Brain,” published in the Harvard Business Review. Meditation and Work Spend one minute a day to focus all your attention on your breathing. Focus on the sound and rhythm of breathing. Get ready to make your mind wander and you will have to strive to return focus on the goal each time this happens. This exercise helps restore th...

The benefits of mindfulness lies in persistent effort

  By Moris Beracha .- No matter if you get into mindfulness through guiding meditation audios or through absolute internal concentration or if you desire to master mindfulness, the key is to devote your will, discipline and perseverance to achieve mindful practice. Jon Kabat-Zinn says in his book Mindfulnes for Beginners that the transforming power of meditation in general, and especially of Mindfulness, is based on a persistent and conscious effort in everyday life. The effective practice of mindfulness requires setting the time you will take to practice it and fulfill it, at increasing rates. It is necessary to be disciplined, to be patient. Do not let high expectations sabotage learning, respect the process and focus your motivation on small steps. “The same intention to practice, kindly and patiently — so much so, one day, if you feel like you do not have them — it is a powerful and healing discipline,” said Kabat Zinn. Read the original pos...

Skills that can be developed with Mindfulness in only 3 months

By Moris Beracha .-  The benefits of good mindfulness practice can be noticed in just 90 days. Javier Carril, in the prologue of Ulyses Villanueva’s book Mindfulness Meditación para gente de alto rendimiento” ( “Mindfulness Meditation for High Performance People” ), highlights what he regards as the five essential skills that can be developed through mindfulness if practiced regularly for at least three months. Focus on what is important Mindfulness develops the necessary mental clarity that helps us eliminate the superfluous, and focus on what is really important. Emotional intelligence Through mindful practice, our brain is trained to calm down the mental noise that stuns, confuses and blocks us at every moment. Strategic vision Mental clarity makes possible to focus on the long term, which usually coincides with truly important actions and decisions. Flexibility in change Mindfulness enhances the so-called cognitive flexibility, which implie...

Mindfulness is increasingly popular among the most successful leaders

By Moris Beracha .-  Meditation and mindfulness practice is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. According to federal estimates, more than 18 million Americans practice meditation on a daily basis. Nowadays, it is considered an activity connected with professional success. Likewise, the American Psychological Association has listed a number of proven benefits, including reduced stress, enhanced focus, better control over emotions and even higher relationship satisfaction. Several entrepreneurs and successful leaders practice mindfulness meditation to aid productivity. Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates, encouraged his 735 employees to practice meditation on a regular basis. “I did it because it’s the greatest gift I could give anyone: it brings about equanimity, creativity and peace,” Dalio said in an interview with Business Insider. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner considers that part of his philosophy for success involves his appr...